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This is a discussion of the ways in which postage stamps might serve to raise awareness and interest, and through associated media and events, to increase understanding.

Friedrich, W-P. & Stepanek, J. 2002. Fledermause - Fliegende Kobolde der Nacht, Junge Sammler, Ausgabe 3: 4-10.
Lera, Tom 1995 Bats in Philately. American Topical Association, Handbook 128. pp. 1-64.
Stepanek, J. & Friedrich, W-P. 1998. Fledertiere auf Briefmarken. Nyctalus, 6: 3-108.
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Friedrich, W-P. & Stepanek, J. 2002. Fledermause - Fliegende Kobolde der Nacht, Junge Sammler, Ausgabe 3: 4-10.
Lera, Tom 1995 Bats in Philately. American Topical Association, Handbook 128. pp. 1-64.
Stepanek, J. & Friedrich, W-P. 1998. Fledertiere auf Briefmarken. Nyctalus, 6: 3-108.
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