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No evidence for the continued existence of bats was determined during two surveys of Norfolk Island. A pilot survey for bats was undertaken on Norfolk Island in 1986 using harp trap and mist net capture techniques. A subsequent survey in 2003 was undertaken using echolocation call detection equipment. Accounts by island residents indicate that bats were present in reasonable numbers following the 2nd World War but numbers declined dramatically from the early 1960s. Eight former bat roosts were described by island residents. Five of the roosts occurred in hollow-bearing Norfolk Island Pines Araucaria heterophylla, two in houses and one in a large vine. Sightings of bats within the last decade suggest that bats may still persist in low numbers and further survey is warranted. Predation by rats and a gradual decrease in the number of secure roosts through tree removal are considered the most likely causes of decline, although the widespread use of herbicides could also be a factor. Provision of artificial roost boxes may assist in providing secure roosts for any remaining individuals persisting.

Hoye, G.A., Law, B.S. and Allison, F.R. 1995. East Coast Free-tailed Bat ( Mormopterus norfolkensis) p.491-492 in Van Dyck, S. and Strahan, R. ed. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Reed New Holland, Chatswood.
Archer, M. and Hand, S.J. 1991. Riversleigh, The story of animals in ancient rainforests of inland Australia. Reed Books, Balgowlah, NSW.
Boyd, I.L., Myhill, D.G. and Mitchell-Jones, A.J. 1988. Uptake of Gamma-HCH (Lindane) by Pipistrelle bats and its effects on survival. Environmental Pollution 51: 95-111.
Clarke, D.R. and Krnitsky, A.J. 1983. DDE in brown and white fat of hibernating bats. Environmental Pollution (Series A). 31: 287-299.
Coster, A.P., Edmonds, A.S., Fitzsimons, J.M., Goodrich, C.G., Howard, J.K. and Tustin J.R. 1986 The use of 2,4,5-T in New Zealand, A report by a working party to the Environment Council, Commission for the Environment, Wellington, August 1986.
Dixon, J.M. and Lumsden, L.F. 2008. Gould's Wattled Bat ( Chalinolobus gouldii) p.533-534 in Van Dyck, S. and Strahan, R. ed. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Reed New Holland, Chatswood.
Dunn, J.C. (ed.) 1988. The Nagle Journal, A diary of the life of Jacob Nagle, sailor, from the year 1775 to 1981. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, New York.
Flannery, T.F. 1995. Mammals of the South-west Pacific and Moluccan Islands. Reed Books. Chatswood.
Gordon, M. 1983. Notes on a search for bats on Norfolk Island. Australian National Parks Wildlife Service, Canberra. Unpublished Report.
Grant, J.D.A. 1991. Prey location by two Australian Long-eared Bats, Nyctophilus gouldi and N. geoffroyi. Australian Journal of Zoology 39: 45-56.
Hicks, J. and Preece, M. 1991 Green Parrot. 1991 Recovery Plan. Unpublished Report. Australian Parks and Wildlife Service.
Lane, B.A., Bezuijen, M.R., Greenwood, D., Carr, G.W., and Ward, R. 1998. 1998 Recovery plan for the Norfolk Island Green Parrot ( Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae cookii) Ecology Australia, Victoria.
Holdaway, R.N. and Anderson, A. 2001. Avifauna from the Emily Bay Settlement Site, Norfolk Island: Preliminary Account. Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement 27: 85-100.
Hoye, G.A. 2004. Results of an initial trial of bat boxes at Mt Owen Coal Mine, Ravensworth, New South Wales. Spoken Presentation. 11th Australasian Bat Conference. Toowoomba, Queensland.
Irvine, R. and Bender, R. 1995. Initial results from Bat Roosting Boxes at Organ Pipes National Park. Victorian Naturalist 112: 212-217.
Jeffries, D.J. 1972. Organochlorine insecticide residues in British Bats and their significance. Journal of Zoology, London 166: 245-263.
Lunney, D., Barker, J., Leary, T., Priddel, D. Wheeler, R. Conner, P. and Law, B. 1995. Roost selection by the north Queensland long-eared bat, Nyctophilus bifax in the Iluka World Heritage Area, New South Wales. Australian Journal of Ecology 20: 532-537.
McCoy, H. 1987. Nature Notes. Norfolk Island Flora and Fauna Society 3: 211.
McKean, J.L. 1975. The bats of Lord Howe Island with the description of a new nyctophiline bat. Australian Mammalogy 1: 329-332.
McKean, J.L., Evans O. and Lewis, J. H. 1976. Notes on the birds of Norfolk Island. Notornis 23: 299-301.
Meredith, C.W. 1985. The vertebrate fossil fauna of Norfolk Island, southwest Pacific, and a review of the phylogeny of the genus Petroderma. Unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Zoology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
Mueller-Dombois, D. and Fosberg, F.R. 1998. Vegetation of the Tropical Pacific Islands. Springer, New York. 773p.
Murata, M., Iseki, N., Masunaga, S. and Nakanish, J. 2004. Estimation of effects of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs on wildlife population-a case study on common cormorant. Chemosphere 53: 337-345.
Norfolk Island The Best of Everything 2007. History and Culture.
Norfolk Island The Website 2007.
Parnaby, H. 2002. A new species of long-eared bat (Nyctophilus: Vespertilionidae) from New Caledonia. Australian Mammalogy 23: 115-124.
Salmon, J.T. 1996. The native trees of New Zealand. Reed Books, Auckland, NZ.
Schodde, R., Fullagar, P. and Hermes, N. 1983. A review of Norfolk Island Birds: past and Present. Australian National parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra.
Strahan, R. 1980. Lack of provenance of Tadarida norfolkensis. Australian Bat Research News 16: 6-9.
Tidemann, C. R. 1986. Morphological variation in Australian and island populations of Gould's Wattled Bat, Chalinolobus gouldii (Gray) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 34: 503-514.
Troughton, E. Le G. 1922. Notes on Australian bats, and the occurrence of Chalinolobus gouldii, Gray at Norfolk Island. Australian Zoologist 3: 39-41.
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Hoye, G.A., Law, B.S. and Allison, F.R. 1995. East Coast Free-tailed Bat ( Mormopterus norfolkensis) p.491-492 in Van Dyck, S. and Strahan, R. ed. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Reed New Holland, Chatswood.
Archer, M. and Hand, S.J. 1991. Riversleigh, The story of animals in ancient rainforests of inland Australia. Reed Books, Balgowlah, NSW.
Boyd, I.L., Myhill, D.G. and Mitchell-Jones, A.J. 1988. Uptake of Gamma-HCH (Lindane) by Pipistrelle bats and its effects on survival. Environmental Pollution 51: 95-111.
Clarke, D.R. and Krnitsky, A.J. 1983. DDE in brown and white fat of hibernating bats. Environmental Pollution (Series A). 31: 287-299.
Coster, A.P., Edmonds, A.S., Fitzsimons, J.M., Goodrich, C.G., Howard, J.K. and Tustin J.R. 1986 The use of 2,4,5-T in New Zealand, A report by a working party to the Environment Council, Commission for the Environment, Wellington, August 1986.
Dixon, J.M. and Lumsden, L.F. 2008. Gould's Wattled Bat ( Chalinolobus gouldii) p.533-534 in Van Dyck, S. and Strahan, R. ed. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Reed New Holland, Chatswood.
Dunn, J.C. (ed.) 1988. The Nagle Journal, A diary of the life of Jacob Nagle, sailor, from the year 1775 to 1981. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, New York.
Flannery, T.F. 1995. Mammals of the South-west Pacific and Moluccan Islands. Reed Books. Chatswood.
Gordon, M. 1983. Notes on a search for bats on Norfolk Island. Australian National Parks Wildlife Service, Canberra. Unpublished Report.
Grant, J.D.A. 1991. Prey location by two Australian Long-eared Bats, Nyctophilus gouldi and N. geoffroyi. Australian Journal of Zoology 39: 45-56.
Hicks, J. and Preece, M. 1991 Green Parrot. 1991 Recovery Plan. Unpublished Report. Australian Parks and Wildlife Service.
Lane, B.A., Bezuijen, M.R., Greenwood, D., Carr, G.W., and Ward, R. 1998. 1998 Recovery plan for the Norfolk Island Green Parrot ( Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae cookii) Ecology Australia, Victoria.
Holdaway, R.N. and Anderson, A. 2001. Avifauna from the Emily Bay Settlement Site, Norfolk Island: Preliminary Account. Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement 27: 85-100.
Hoye, G.A. 2004. Results of an initial trial of bat boxes at Mt Owen Coal Mine, Ravensworth, New South Wales. Spoken Presentation. 11th Australasian Bat Conference. Toowoomba, Queensland.
Irvine, R. and Bender, R. 1995. Initial results from Bat Roosting Boxes at Organ Pipes National Park. Victorian Naturalist 112: 212-217.
Jeffries, D.J. 1972. Organochlorine insecticide residues in British Bats and their significance. Journal of Zoology, London 166: 245-263.
Lunney, D., Barker, J., Leary, T., Priddel, D. Wheeler, R. Conner, P. and Law, B. 1995. Roost selection by the north Queensland long-eared bat, Nyctophilus bifax in the Iluka World Heritage Area, New South Wales. Australian Journal of Ecology 20: 532-537.
McCoy, H. 1987. Nature Notes. Norfolk Island Flora and Fauna Society 3: 211.
McKean, J.L. 1975. The bats of Lord Howe Island with the description of a new nyctophiline bat. Australian Mammalogy 1: 329-332.
McKean, J.L., Evans O. and Lewis, J. H. 1976. Notes on the birds of Norfolk Island. Notornis 23: 299-301.
Meredith, C.W. 1985. The vertebrate fossil fauna of Norfolk Island, southwest Pacific, and a review of the phylogeny of the genus Petroderma. Unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Zoology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
Mueller-Dombois, D. and Fosberg, F.R. 1998. Vegetation of the Tropical Pacific Islands. Springer, New York. 773p.
Murata, M., Iseki, N., Masunaga, S. and Nakanish, J. 2004. Estimation of effects of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs on wildlife population-a case study on common cormorant. Chemosphere 53: 337-345.
Norfolk Island The Best of Everything 2007. History and Culture.
Norfolk Island The Website 2007.
Parnaby, H. 2002. A new species of long-eared bat (Nyctophilus: Vespertilionidae) from New Caledonia. Australian Mammalogy 23: 115-124.
Salmon, J.T. 1996. The native trees of New Zealand. Reed Books, Auckland, NZ.
Schodde, R., Fullagar, P. and Hermes, N. 1983. A review of Norfolk Island Birds: past and Present. Australian National parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra.
Strahan, R. 1980. Lack of provenance of Tadarida norfolkensis. Australian Bat Research News 16: 6-9.
Tidemann, C. R. 1986. Morphological variation in Australian and island populations of Gould's Wattled Bat, Chalinolobus gouldii (Gray) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 34: 503-514.
Troughton, E. Le G. 1922. Notes on Australian bats, and the occurrence of Chalinolobus gouldii, Gray at Norfolk Island. Australian Zoologist 3: 39-41.
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