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The Grey-headed Flying-fox, Pteropus poliocephalus, is listed as a threatened species in NSW, Victoria and nationally. The Grey-headed Flying-fox is a key species in maintaining forest ecosystems through the pollination of native trees and the dispersal of rainforest seeds. This threatened species is unique in that it is also recognised as a horticultural pest, predominantly in coastal orchards of south-eastern Australia. In times of native resource (pollen, nectar and rainforest fruits) shortage, flying-foxes are known to utilise commercial fruit crops. As such, the species is affected by control techniques employed by horticulturists to mitigate flying-fox damage, including shooting and netting.

The NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change and the NSW Department of Primary Industries are working collaboratively to investigate flying-fox damage to commercial crops, quantify the levels of flying-fox damage (temporally and spatially), determine the factors contributing to trends in crop damage, and assess the effectiveness of mitigative measures employed by horticulturists to reduce flying-fox damage. The project is funded for two financial years through the Australian Government's Natural Heritage Trust Strategic Reserve funding and State Government contributions (cash and in-kind), and addresses several recovery actions of the draft National Recovery Plan for the Grey-headed Flying-fox. The project proposal was also strongly supported by the NSW Flying-fox Consultative Committee.

The project commenced in October 2006 and focuses on commercial crops in the western Sydney Basin. To date (May 2007), preliminary evaluations have been conducted, including total yield loss, damaged fruit (including that specifically attributable to flying-foxes and birds), flying-fox crop visitation indices and crop architecture. These parameters will be compared throughout the fruit season across different stone fruit and apple crop types and between netted and unnetted crops to examine spatial and temporal trends. The process of establishing and implementing the collaborative project is discussed, within the framework of flying-fox conservation and management in NSW.

Ballard, G. 2004. The human dimensions of Grey-headed Flying-fox management: surveys of NSW commercial fruit growers and the public (2003-2004). Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of New England, Armidale.
Bicknell, J.R. 2002. The need for aversion agents for managing flying-foxes on crops and the difficulties in attracting research funds. Pp. 63-69 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Biel, E. 2002. The cost to orchardists in the management of the Grey-headed Flying-fox. Who pays? A community benefit approach. Pp. 47-52 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Birt, P. 2000. Summary information on the status of the Greyheaded ( Pteropus poliocephalus) and Black ( P. alecto) Flying-foxes. Pp. 80-88 in Proceedings of a workshop to assess the status of the Greyheaded Flying-fox. Ed. G. Richards (accessed 18 June 2007)
Bower, C. 2002. Management issues in minimisation of damage by flying-foxes to horticultural crops. Pp. 77-79 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Comensoli, P. 2002. The impact upon fruit growers of a decision to list the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Vulnerable species under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act. Pp. 53-55 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW. 2009. Draft National Recovery Plan for the Greyheaded Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus. Prepared by Dr Peggy Eby. Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW, Sydney.
Dickman, C. and Fleming, M. 2002. Pest, or Passenger Pigeon? The New South Wales Scientific Committee's assessment of the status of the Grey-headed Flying-fox. Pp. 20-28 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Eby, P. 1991. Seasonal movements of grey-headed flying-foxes, Pteropus poliocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), from two maternity camps in northern New South Wales. Wildlife Research 18: 547-559.
Eby, P. 1995. The biology and management of flying-foxes in NSW - species management report number 18. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Eby, P. and Law, B. 2008 Ranking the feeding habitats of Greyheaded flying foxes for conservation management: a report for The Department of Environment and Climate Change (NSW) & The Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra.
Eby, P. and Lunney, D. 2002. Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus as a threatened species: a context for debate. Pp. 1-15 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Eggleston, S. 2005. The microclimatic roosting preferences of the Grey-headed Flying-fox, Pteropus poliocephalus, at a campsite in Gordon, NSW. Unpublished B Sc (Veterinary) hons Thesis, University of Sydney.
Fleming, P.J.S. and Robinson, D. 1987. Flying-foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) on the north coast of New South Wales: damage to stonefruit crops and control methods. Australian Mammalogy 10: 143-145.
Gilligan, B. 2002. Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a threatened species in NSW: finding a balanced solution. Pp. 16-19 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Gough, J. 2002. The increasing need for netting fruit orchards against bat and bird damage and the increasing problems in affording netting. Pp. 56-57 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Hall, L.S. and Richards, G.C. 1987. Crop protection and management of flying-foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae). Australian Mammalogy 10: 75-81.
Jamieson, G.I. 1987. Fruit losses from flying foxes. Queensland Fruit and Vegetable News October 1987: 15-18.
Loebel, M.R. and Sanewski, G. 1987. Flying-foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) as orchard pests. Australian Mammalogy 10: 147-150.
Lunney, D., Reid, A. and Matthews, A. 2002. Community perceptions of flying-foxes in New South Wales. Pp. 160-176 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
MacFarlane, K. 2004. Mitigation of damage caused by Greyheaded Flying-foxes ( Pteropus poliocephalus, Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) using decoy feeding: a pilot study. Unpublished M Sc Thesis, University of Sydney.
Martin, L. 1987. Flying-foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) research: future needs and priorities. Australian Mammalogy 10: 153.
McWilliam, A.N. 1986. The feeding ecology of Pteropus in north-eastern New South Wales, Australia. Myotis 23-24: 201-208.
NSW Scientific Committee 2001 (last amended 16 December 2004, accessed 6 June 2007). Grey-headed Flying-fox vulnerable species listing, final determination.
Parris, K.M. and Hazell, D.L. 2005. Biotic effects of climate change in urban environments: The case of the grey-headed flying-fox ( Pteropus poliocephalus) in Melbourne, Australia. Biological Conservation 124: 267-276.
Parry-Jones, K. 1987 Pteropus poliocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) in New South Wales. Australian Mammalogy 10: 81-85.
Peacock, L. 2004. Roost preference of the Grey-headed Flying-fox. Unpublished BSc (Veterinary) hons Thesis, University of Sydney.
Rogers, J. 2002. The economic and social implications of flying-fox predation on the north coast of NSW. Pp. 58-62 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Spencer, H.J., Palmer, C. and Parry-Jones, K. 1991. Movements of Fruit-bats in eastern Australia, determined by using radio-tracking. Wildlife Research 18: 463-467.
Ullio, L. 2002. To net or not to net that is the question! But is it the answer? Pp. 70-76 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Vardon, M.J. and Tidemann, C.R. 1995. Harvesting of flying-foxes ( Pteropus spp.) in Australia: could it promote the conservation of endangered Pacific Island species? Pp. 82-85 in Conservation through the sustainable use of wildlife. Eds. G. Grigg, P. Hale and D. Lunney. University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Waples, K. 2002. Review of the NPWS policy on the mitigation of commercial crop damage by flying-foxes. Pp. 39-46 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Westcott, D.A. and McKeown, A. 2004. Observer error in exit counts of flying-foxes ( Pteropus spp.). Wildlife Research 31: 551-558.
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Ballard, G. 2004. The human dimensions of Grey-headed Flying-fox management: surveys of NSW commercial fruit growers and the public (2003-2004). Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of New England, Armidale.
Bicknell, J.R. 2002. The need for aversion agents for managing flying-foxes on crops and the difficulties in attracting research funds. Pp. 63-69 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Biel, E. 2002. The cost to orchardists in the management of the Grey-headed Flying-fox. Who pays? A community benefit approach. Pp. 47-52 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Birt, P. 2000. Summary information on the status of the Greyheaded ( Pteropus poliocephalus) and Black ( P. alecto) Flying-foxes. Pp. 80-88 in Proceedings of a workshop to assess the status of the Greyheaded Flying-fox. Ed. G. Richards (accessed 18 June 2007)
Bower, C. 2002. Management issues in minimisation of damage by flying-foxes to horticultural crops. Pp. 77-79 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Comensoli, P. 2002. The impact upon fruit growers of a decision to list the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Vulnerable species under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act. Pp. 53-55 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW. 2009. Draft National Recovery Plan for the Greyheaded Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus. Prepared by Dr Peggy Eby. Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW, Sydney.
Dickman, C. and Fleming, M. 2002. Pest, or Passenger Pigeon? The New South Wales Scientific Committee's assessment of the status of the Grey-headed Flying-fox. Pp. 20-28 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Eby, P. 1991. Seasonal movements of grey-headed flying-foxes, Pteropus poliocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), from two maternity camps in northern New South Wales. Wildlife Research 18: 547-559.
Eby, P. 1995. The biology and management of flying-foxes in NSW - species management report number 18. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Eby, P. and Law, B. 2008 Ranking the feeding habitats of Greyheaded flying foxes for conservation management: a report for The Department of Environment and Climate Change (NSW) & The Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra.
Eby, P. and Lunney, D. 2002. Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus as a threatened species: a context for debate. Pp. 1-15 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Eggleston, S. 2005. The microclimatic roosting preferences of the Grey-headed Flying-fox, Pteropus poliocephalus, at a campsite in Gordon, NSW. Unpublished B Sc (Veterinary) hons Thesis, University of Sydney.
Fleming, P.J.S. and Robinson, D. 1987. Flying-foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) on the north coast of New South Wales: damage to stonefruit crops and control methods. Australian Mammalogy 10: 143-145.
Gilligan, B. 2002. Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a threatened species in NSW: finding a balanced solution. Pp. 16-19 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Gough, J. 2002. The increasing need for netting fruit orchards against bat and bird damage and the increasing problems in affording netting. Pp. 56-57 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Hall, L.S. and Richards, G.C. 1987. Crop protection and management of flying-foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae). Australian Mammalogy 10: 75-81.
Jamieson, G.I. 1987. Fruit losses from flying foxes. Queensland Fruit and Vegetable News October 1987: 15-18.
Loebel, M.R. and Sanewski, G. 1987. Flying-foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) as orchard pests. Australian Mammalogy 10: 147-150.
Lunney, D., Reid, A. and Matthews, A. 2002. Community perceptions of flying-foxes in New South Wales. Pp. 160-176 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
MacFarlane, K. 2004. Mitigation of damage caused by Greyheaded Flying-foxes ( Pteropus poliocephalus, Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) using decoy feeding: a pilot study. Unpublished M Sc Thesis, University of Sydney.
Martin, L. 1987. Flying-foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) research: future needs and priorities. Australian Mammalogy 10: 153.
McWilliam, A.N. 1986. The feeding ecology of Pteropus in north-eastern New South Wales, Australia. Myotis 23-24: 201-208.
NSW Scientific Committee 2001 (last amended 16 December 2004, accessed 6 June 2007). Grey-headed Flying-fox vulnerable species listing, final determination.
Parris, K.M. and Hazell, D.L. 2005. Biotic effects of climate change in urban environments: The case of the grey-headed flying-fox ( Pteropus poliocephalus) in Melbourne, Australia. Biological Conservation 124: 267-276.
Parry-Jones, K. 1987 Pteropus poliocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) in New South Wales. Australian Mammalogy 10: 81-85.
Peacock, L. 2004. Roost preference of the Grey-headed Flying-fox. Unpublished BSc (Veterinary) hons Thesis, University of Sydney.
Rogers, J. 2002. The economic and social implications of flying-fox predation on the north coast of NSW. Pp. 58-62 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Spencer, H.J., Palmer, C. and Parry-Jones, K. 1991. Movements of Fruit-bats in eastern Australia, determined by using radio-tracking. Wildlife Research 18: 463-467.
Ullio, L. 2002. To net or not to net that is the question! But is it the answer? Pp. 70-76 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Vardon, M.J. and Tidemann, C.R. 1995. Harvesting of flying-foxes ( Pteropus spp.) in Australia: could it promote the conservation of endangered Pacific Island species? Pp. 82-85 in Conservation through the sustainable use of wildlife. Eds. G. Grigg, P. Hale and D. Lunney. University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Waples, K. 2002. Review of the NPWS policy on the mitigation of commercial crop damage by flying-foxes. Pp. 39-46 in Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox as a Threatened Species in New South Wales. Eds. P. Eby and D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman.
Westcott, D.A. and McKeown, A. 2004. Observer error in exit counts of flying-foxes ( Pteropus spp.). Wildlife Research 31: 551-558.
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