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Bat surveys were conducted during 2006 and 2007 in the Willoughby Local Government Area (LGA) in the northern suburbs of Sydney to determine the occurrence and movement of microbats. Based on the frequency of bat detections and the direction of bat movements, two major and five minor bat flyways were identified in the study area. The two major flyways were north-south movement corridors that occurred on the eastern and western margins of the LGA; each major flyway had minor flyways branching from them. The two major flyways were separated from each other by the Pacific Highway rise that runs north-south through the centre of the study area. The rise acts as an effective flyway barrier as tree corridors are completely disrupted by an exposed, noisy, night-illuminated residential and commercial strip. Minor bat flyways approach the Pacific Highway rise from the east and west and are only separated by a relatively short distance. Extending these flyways to create an east-west passage across the study area would greatly extend the foraging range of bats on either side of it. In order to link the major flyways, the eastern and western minor flyways need to be extended by the creation of a continuous tree canopy through residential areas to the Pacific Highway rise. Controlled street planting and supported private plantings of trees along strategic routes, together with modified street lighting could achieve this result. The crossing of the Pacific Highway would require the construction of a lightweight “flyover bridge” that commenced and ended in the extended tree canopies. This would provide a wind and light shielded crossing point for bats attempting to fly east-west across the Willoughby LGA. The components of the “flyover bridge” are discussed along with other considerations in achieving an effective extended flyway through a densely populated residential area.

Billington, G. 2002. Radio-tracking study of Greater Horseshoe Bats at Chudleigh Caves and Woods Site of Special Scientific Interest. English Nature Report No, 496. English Nature, Peterborough, England.
Brinkman, R. 2003. Crossing points for bats-limiting damage of habitat fragmentation by transport projects. Wildlife Crossing Points Working Party, Gundelfingen, Denmark.
Brown, S. and Bernhard, A. 2010. Willoughby City Council - enhance habitat and wildlife program. Pp 241-247 in The Natural History of Sydney, edited by D. Lunney, P. Hutchings and D. Hochuli. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Bullen, R.D., and McKenzie, N.L. 2002. Scaling bat wingbeat frequency and amplitude. Journal of Experimental Biology 205: 2615-2626.
DEST. 1996. National Strategy for the Conservation of Australian Biological Diversity. Department of Environment, Sports and Territories.
Dwyer, P.D. 1965. Flight patterns of some eastern Australian bats. Victorian Naturalist 82: 36-41.
Gershor, M. 2010. Bat flyway mapped in south Devon.
Hill, J.E., and Smith, J.D. 1984 Bats, a natural history. Rigby Publishers, Adelaide.
Hutson, A. 1993 The Action Plan for the Conservation of Bats in the United Kingdom. The Bat Conservation Trust, London.
Kitchener, D.J., and Hudson, C.J. 1982. Reproduction in the female White-striped Mastiff Bat, Tadarida australis (Gray) (Molossidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 30: 1-22.
Lesinski, G. 2007. Bat road casualties and factors determining their number. Mammalia 71: 138-142.
Limpens, H.J.G.A., Twisk, P., and Veenbans, E. 2001 Bats and Road Construction. Riijkswaterstaat, deinst Weg-en Watterbouwkunde, Deflt Vereniging voor Zoogdierkunde en Zoogdierbescherming, Arnhem, Netherlands.
Lumsden, L.F. and Bennett, A.F. 1996. Bats of the semi-arid environment in south-eastern Australia: biogeography, ecology and conservation. Wildlife Research 22: 217-240.
O'Neill, M.G., and Taylor, R.J. 1989. Foraging ecology of Tasmanian bat assemblages. Australian Journal of Ecology 14: 19-31.
Nuttal, E. 2006. Bath's Nature Trail.
Pavey, C.R., Burwell, C.J., Grunwald, J-E, Marshall, C.J., and Neuweiler, G. 2001. Dietary benefits of twilight foraging by the insectivorous bat Hipposideros speoris. Biotropica 33(4): 670-681.
Somerset Highways. 2005.
White, A.W. 2006. Bat flyways in the Willoughby LGA. Prepared for Willoughby City Council.
Wray, S., Reason, P., Wells, D., Cresswell, W., and Walker, H. 2006. Design installation and monitoring of safe crossing points for bats on a new highway scheme in Wales. In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, eds. C.L. Irwin, P. Garrett, and K.P. McDermott. Centre for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Pp 369-379.
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Billington, G. 2002. Radio-tracking study of Greater Horseshoe Bats at Chudleigh Caves and Woods Site of Special Scientific Interest. English Nature Report No, 496. English Nature, Peterborough, England.
Brinkman, R. 2003. Crossing points for bats-limiting damage of habitat fragmentation by transport projects. Wildlife Crossing Points Working Party, Gundelfingen, Denmark.
Brown, S. and Bernhard, A. 2010. Willoughby City Council - enhance habitat and wildlife program. Pp 241-247 in The Natural History of Sydney, edited by D. Lunney, P. Hutchings and D. Hochuli. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Bullen, R.D., and McKenzie, N.L. 2002. Scaling bat wingbeat frequency and amplitude. Journal of Experimental Biology 205: 2615-2626.
DEST. 1996. National Strategy for the Conservation of Australian Biological Diversity. Department of Environment, Sports and Territories.
Dwyer, P.D. 1965. Flight patterns of some eastern Australian bats. Victorian Naturalist 82: 36-41.
Gershor, M. 2010. Bat flyway mapped in south Devon.
Hill, J.E., and Smith, J.D. 1984 Bats, a natural history. Rigby Publishers, Adelaide.
Hutson, A. 1993 The Action Plan for the Conservation of Bats in the United Kingdom. The Bat Conservation Trust, London.
Kitchener, D.J., and Hudson, C.J. 1982. Reproduction in the female White-striped Mastiff Bat, Tadarida australis (Gray) (Molossidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 30: 1-22.
Lesinski, G. 2007. Bat road casualties and factors determining their number. Mammalia 71: 138-142.
Limpens, H.J.G.A., Twisk, P., and Veenbans, E. 2001 Bats and Road Construction. Riijkswaterstaat, deinst Weg-en Watterbouwkunde, Deflt Vereniging voor Zoogdierkunde en Zoogdierbescherming, Arnhem, Netherlands.
Lumsden, L.F. and Bennett, A.F. 1996. Bats of the semi-arid environment in south-eastern Australia: biogeography, ecology and conservation. Wildlife Research 22: 217-240.
O'Neill, M.G., and Taylor, R.J. 1989. Foraging ecology of Tasmanian bat assemblages. Australian Journal of Ecology 14: 19-31.
Nuttal, E. 2006. Bath's Nature Trail.
Pavey, C.R., Burwell, C.J., Grunwald, J-E, Marshall, C.J., and Neuweiler, G. 2001. Dietary benefits of twilight foraging by the insectivorous bat Hipposideros speoris. Biotropica 33(4): 670-681.
Somerset Highways. 2005.
White, A.W. 2006. Bat flyways in the Willoughby LGA. Prepared for Willoughby City Council.
Wray, S., Reason, P., Wells, D., Cresswell, W., and Walker, H. 2006. Design installation and monitoring of safe crossing points for bats on a new highway scheme in Wales. In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, eds. C.L. Irwin, P. Garrett, and K.P. McDermott. Centre for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Pp 369-379.
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