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Trichosurus vulpecula

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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Book Chapter
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 33 (1): 69–99.
Published: 17 March 2014
... (mainly Trichosurus vulpecula ) population ecology and status. P. cinereus numbers peaked in southern Queensland around the turn of the century or in the first decade of the 20th century. In central Queensland, they peaked later, probably in the 1920s, and in north Queensland there does not appear to have...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2016) 38 (1): 43–51.
Published: 01 January 2016
... by a Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides and Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula during the time owls were active. © 2016 Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 2016 anti-predator defence behavioural ecology Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] 2016...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 30 (4): 449–466.
Published: 17 March 2014
... Petauroides volans were recorded less commonly than expected and may have declined in the region. The Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula was particularly abundant. This species and the Common Ringtaii Possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus appeared to maintain their numbers in small (<2 000 ha...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 33 (2): 217–222.
Published: 17 March 2014
... of the Tiger Quoll and the Red Fox on the capture rates of four species of CWR marsupials, the Long-nosed Bandicoot Perameles nasuta , the Southern Brown Bandicoot Isoodon obesulus , the Northern Brown Bandicoot I. macrourus and the Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula . None of these species...
Journal Articles
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2008
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-2-9
... recorded in suburban bushland on two roads in the north-east of Sydney. The study was conducted over a 36-week period. Eighty four native animals were observed dead on or adjacent to the roads. The predominant species killed were swamp wallabies Wallabia bicolor , brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2007
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-1-2
... Although the common brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr is known to occur throughout most of the eastern parts of mainland Australia, it is now most frequently encountered in the urban and suburban areas of the eastern seaboard and major towns and cities of other states, its...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2004
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-7-2
... The common brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula poses a test for managers of urban wildlife because community attitudes towards the species vary widely from those who are prepared to live with it to those who wish it to be controlled as a pest. The New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2022) 42 (4): 972–984.
Published: 28 October 2022
... agilis); red-necked wallaby (Notamacropus rufogriseus); eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus); common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and three rodents: giant white-tailed rat (Uromys caudimaculatus); bush rat (Rattus fuscipes); common rock rat (Zyzomys argurus). Dung samples were also...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 37 (2): 134–138.
Published: 30 September 2014
... observations included a Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula. Reptiles recorded included; the Fence Skink Cryptoblepharus sp., and Lace Monitor Varanus varius. An amphibian, Peron s Tree Frog Litoria peronii, was also recorded (Fig 2 and 3; Table 1). Only reptiles were recorded visiting the hollow...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 31 (4): 533–562.
Published: 17 March 2014
... collected. Among the mammals ten genera and twelve species are represented in my collection. Hoy provided a table in his report that listed: mammals in his collection Phascologale flavipes; Phascolomys mitchelli, Trichosurus vulpecula, Pseudochirus peregrinus, Petauroides volans, Petaurus australis, P...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 33 (1): 108–118.
Published: 17 March 2014
..., and as exports back to England and other global markets. A prime example of this is the Australian brush-tailed possum Trichosurus vulpecula, introduced in the 1850s in an attempt to start a fur trade (Cowan 1990). The 111June 2005 AustralianZoologist volume 33 (1) industry generated income for the country up...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 31 (1): 127–133.
Published: 17 March 2014
.... The spatial and temporal distribution of koala faecal pellets Wildl. Res. 25 663 68 Fitzgerald, A. E., 1984. Diet of the possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) in three Tasmanian forest types and its relevance to the diet of possums in New Zealand forests. Pp. 137-43 in Possums and Gliders ed by A. P...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2011) 35 (2): 315–330.
Published: 14 October 2011
.... Cycle of the seminiferous epithelium in a marsupial species, the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and estimation of its duration. Reproduction Fertility and Development 16: 307-13. Cycle of the seminiferous epithelium in a marsupial species, the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2012) 36 (1): 59–74.
Published: 07 September 2012
... that are under threat, declining or very poorly known in northern Australian savannas (Fitzsimons et al. 2010), such as Trichosurus vulpecula, Lagorchestes conspicillatus and Sminthopsis archeri. Among reptiles, numerous restricted range species, species at the very edge of their known range, poorly defined...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2011) 34 (1): 22–36.
Published: 04 October 2011
... timoriensis - D Chocolate wattled bat, Chalinolobus morio - D,C,A Goulds wattled bat, Chalinolobus gouldii - D,C Eastern falsistrelle, Falsistrellus tasmaniensis - D,C Common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula fuliginosus - A,B Common ringtail possum, Pseudocheirus peregrinus convoluter - A,B,D Sugar...