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Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2023) 43 (1): 123–141.
Published: 07 June 2023
...Tsuyoshi Kobayashi; Jan Miller; Russell J. Shiel; Hendrik Segers; Simon J. Hunter ABSTRACT Inland wetlands are areas of high biodiversity, providing various ecosystem services. In this study, we assessed the species diversity of wetland zooplankton in the Lachlan River catchment. Biodiversity...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2020) 41 (1): 80–85.
Published: 01 October 2020
...J. K. Hanford; D. F. Hochuli; C. E. Webb ABSTRACT Urban freshwater wetlands have been identified as a potential source of mosquitoes of pest and public health concern in Australia. Mosquitoes most commonly associated with these habitats include Anopheles annulipes , Culex annulirostris , Culex...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2011) 35 (3): 843–845.
Published: 20 October 2011
... is to determine feeding habits of Keelbacks in the wild with specific concern to toads. The study was conducted in the Townsville Town Common, a wetland in tropical North Queensland. The mean maximum temperature can range from 31.2°C in the wet season (December-March) to 26.1°C in the dry season (June-September...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2011) 34 (3): 285–290.
Published: 14 October 2011
...Jennifer O'Meara; Kerry Darcovich Narawang Wetland, a precinct of Sydney Olympic Park, was constructed to provide habitat for the Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea . The Plague Minnow Gambusia holbrooki invaded Narawang following flooding soon after the wetland's completion in 2000. Narawang...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 37 (2): 178–187.
Published: 27 August 2014
...Alan Midgley; Shelley Burgin; Adrian Renshaw While presence/absence of endocrine disruption has been widely observed within polluted wetlands, relatively few data have addressed population level changes for any species. This paper investigated the effects of endocrine disruption on the phenotypic...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 31 (1): 187–197.
Published: 17 March 2014
...S. V. Briggs; S. A. Thornton This study investigated relationships between durations of inundation in River Red Gum wetlands and waterbird breeding, in particular the durations of flooding under nest trees that waterbirds need to breed successfully; and developed guidelines for managing water...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 30 (3): 300–309.
Published: 17 March 2014
...A. S. Kutt A short terrestrial vertebrate survey was conducted in November 1994 in the coastal wetlands surrounding the Cairns International Airport. Six discrete habitat types were recorded for the study area: sand ridge woodland; beach dune low woodland/shrubland; mangrove-intertidal; eucalyptus...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2011) 34 (3): 426–437.
Published: 14 October 2011
... by the Portland Aluminium Smelter in southwestern Victoria, but the reasons for its disappearance from the area are unclear. Approximately 50 wetlands remain in the buffer zone of the smelter and we investigated the suitability of 20 of these wetlands for the reintroduction of the species. We measured a set...
Journal Articles
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 1999
EISBN: 0-9586085-1-2
... Wetland classification and assessment of conservation significance are based on criteria that generally exclude one of the largest components of biodiversity in lentic systems: the invertebrates. Preliminary data are presented on sampling efficiency and methods required to describe invertebrate...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2004
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-7-2
... Australia's population and major cities are concentrated along the coastal fringes, mostly on estuaries. As these cities developed, extensive clearing of estuarine/marine wetlands occurred and often all that remains today are isolated stands of wetlands. Their importance is discussed in terms...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2020) 40 (3): 379–391.
Published: 01 May 2020
... Sydney, Faculty of Science, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia 5 Vertebrate Pest Research Unit, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Armidale, NSW, 2350, Australia 6 WWF-Australia, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia, formerly Hunter Wetlands Centre Australia, Shortland, 2307, Australia 7 Research Institute...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2013
EISBN: 978-0-9874309-1-5
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2012
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-8-1
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2010
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-3-6
... relatively late because access to the area was difficult and hazardous. The twin rivers (Cooks and Georges) provided effective barriers against early settlement. However, settlement was needed as the woodlands and wetlands therein were a bountiful source of food not to be ignored. Similarly, tall, mixed...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 37 (3): 321–336.
Published: 24 November 2014
.... raniformis are rare and their success (or lack of success) is poorly documented in the literature. In this study, we detail the translocation of a population of L. raniformis from a farm dam being destroyed for residential development to a purpose-built wetland 480 m away. The population was translocated...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2012) 35 (4): 1047–1052.
Published: 29 January 2012
... such as gonopodium length in the pest species Gambusia holbrooki as an indicator. This species was used as a surrogate for native aquatic species to assess endocrine disruption in wetlands that are used for the storage of stormwater or treated sewage effluent. These were compared with adjacent wetlands used...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2004
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-7-2
... years. The impact that this increase has had on other wetland species has largely gone unmeasured. Information available on the success of this species in urban environments is scant although there is documented evidence on the impact of Ibis and other large wetland birds on wetland habitats. The long...