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marine fishes, pollution

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Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2024) 43 (4): 652–662.
Published: 17 June 2024
... at the aquatic contamination through fish eyes A faithful picture based on metals burden. Marine Pollution Bulletin 77: 375-379. httpsdoi. org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.10.009 Perret, M., Gomez, D., Barbosa, A., Aujard, F. and Théry, M. 2010. Increased Late Night Response to Light Controls the Circadian...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2012) 35 (4): 1047–1052.
Published: 29 January 2012
... for watering stock (farm dams) that were not contaminated with these pollutants. Deformities in the mosquito fish were found that were consistent with endocrine disruption caused by sex steroids and/or their mimics in the first in the sequence of each pollution type but not in farm dams. We concluded...
Book Cover Image
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2003
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-6-5
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2013) 36 (2): 143–144.
Published: 07 February 2013
... impacts such as pollution? In fact, the declaration of a marine park does influence decisions to build coastal infrastructure, including sewage outlets, and does form a focus in campaigns for improving coastal water quality. Fishing interest groups are well- (some may say over-) represented on MPA...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2024) 43 (4): 663–675.
Published: 02 April 2024
...., and Sheaves, M. 2020. Thermal exposure risks to mobile tropical marine snails: Are eco-engineered rock pools on seawalls scale-specific enough for comprehensive biodiversity outcomes? Marine Pollution Bulletin 156. httpsdoi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111237 Yu, C., and Cui, Y. 2021. Fishing-reliant...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2019) 40 (1): 13–24.
Published: 01 January 2019
.... DOI: 10.1016/j. ocecoaman.2018.01.023 Brodie, J., Fabricius, K., De ath, G. and Okaji, K. 2005. Are increased nutrient inputs responsible for more outbreaks of Crown-of-thorns Starfish? An appraisal of the evidence. Marine Pollution Bulletin 51: 266-278. DOI: 10.1016/j. marpolbul.2004.10.035. Brodie...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2018) 39 (2): 188–193.
Published: 01 January 2018
... or impact. The marine context For much of history and even for most coastal people the sea has been regarded as dangerous and unpredictable, marine creatures as monstrous or strange, and fish as an abundant resource for those skilful and brave enough to venture to sea. Adjectives that describe marine...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 33 (2): 279–282.
Published: 17 March 2014
..., conservation of invertebrates and marine pollution are part of her daily working vocabulary. In these many research disciplines, Pat has impressed many scientists in universities, government departments and NGOs with her knowledge, her willingness to share her ideas and findings, and her determination...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2018) 39 (2): 173–180.
Published: 01 January 2018
... Ireland s fishing society using a three dimensional approach. Marine Policy 37: 28 36. Brodie, J.E., Kroon, F.J., Schaffelke, B., Wolanski, E.C., Lewis, S.E., Devlin, M.J., Bohnet, I.C., Bainbridge, Z.T., Waterhouse, J. and Davis, A.M. 2012. Terrestrial pollutant runoff to the Great Barrier Reef...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2013) 36 (3): 255–320.
Published: 14 March 2013
... a dredging event. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52: 997 1010. Glasby, T. M. and Connell, S. D. 1999. Urban structures as marine habitats. Ambio 28: 595 598 Helfman, G. S., Collette, B. B., Facey, D. E. and Bowen B. W. 2009. The Diversity of Fishes: Biology, Evolution and Ecology. 2nd edn. Wiley-Blackwell...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2018) 39 (2): 170–172.
Published: 01 January 2018
... the threats that can typically be effectively managed within marine reserve boundaries most notably fishing and habitat loss tend to affect the abundances of some species disproportionately: for example fishing tends to affect species that feed at higher trophic levels, while habitat loss tends to affect...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2012) 35 (4): 1011–1023.
Published: 29 January 2012
..., H., Widdicombe, S., Spicer, J.I. and Hall-Spencer, J. 2007. Effects of anthropogenic seawater acidification on acidbase balance in the sea urchin Psammechinus miliaris. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54: 89–96. Effects of anthropogenic seawater acidification on acidbase balance in the sea urchin...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 37 (2): 178–187.
Published: 27 August 2014
... population structure biomass loss reduction in density effluent pollution mosquito fish Abrahams, M. and Kattenfeld, M. (1997). The role of turbidity as a constaint on predator-prey interactions in aquatic environments. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 40: 169-174. DOI: http://dx.doi.org...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2020) 41 (4): 696–730.
Published: 04 December 2020
... gouramis Colisa and Trichogaster spp. in retail shops in Sydney (Go et al. 2006). Research has also shown that a number of megalocytiviruses can affect both marine and freshwater fish and are a great potential threat to Australian native fish, including catadromous species (Go 2015). The Iridoviridae...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2023) 44 (1): 185–193.
Published: 24 April 2023
... 163: 1-17. httpsdoi.org/10.1007/s00227-016-2880-4 Cole, V.J., Parker, L.M., Scanes, E., Wright, J., Barnett, L. andRoss, P.M. 2021. Climate change alters shellfish reef communities: A temperate mesocosm experiment. Marine Pollution Bulletin 173: 113113. DOI: 10.1016/j. marpolbul.2021.113113 De...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2024) 43 (4): 1–675.
Published: 04 October 2024
.... httpsdoi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2021.102143 Pereira, P., Raimundo, J., Canário, J., Almeida, A. and Pacheco, M. 2013. Looking at the aquatic contamination through fish eyes A faithful picture based on metals burden. Marine Pollution Bulletin 77: 375-379. httpsdoi. org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.10.009 Perret, M...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2018) 39 (2): 194–206.
Published: 01 January 2018
... of Protected Areas for Fauna Conservation Bioengineers in Sydney Harbour 2017 195 carbon sequestration, and energy flow (Ellison et al. 2005). In the marine environment, destruction and mass removal of shellfish beds and seagrass due to fishing activities result in loss of biodiversity (Coleman and Williams...