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national parks

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Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2018) 39 (2): 371–396.
Published: 01 January 2018
...Daniel Lunney ABSTRACT This paper a) gives an historical view of national parks and other protected areas since the 19th century, b) gives a history of national parks and nature reserves in NSW, c) shows how recent has been the recognition that fauna conservation depends upon protected areas, d...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2013) 36 (2): 201–208.
Published: 07 February 2013
...Shelley Burgin; Nigel Hardiman Historically, most people have tended to visit national parks for ‘rest, relaxation and reinvigoration’, typically resulting in moderate ecological impacts. However, increasingly, recreation in natural areas is including ‘adventure’ sports. One such recreation/sport...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2011) 35 (1): 1–8.
Published: 04 October 2011
..., the position of Director Cultural Heritage, a designated Aboriginal position, was also made an Executive position which helped ensure that consideration of Indigenous issues was integrated into Executive deliberations across the board. Reflections on National Parks and Fauna Conservation in NSW Brian Gilligan...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (1990) 26 (2): 75.
Published: 01 June 1990
... reseives in New South Wales 1967- 1989. Aust. Zoo/. 26(1): 11-21. National Parks and Wildlife: Nature conservationists or political puppets? Shelley Burgin Department of Applied Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Richmond 2753 I can't help wondering if John Whitehouse believes...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (1990) 26 (2): 92–93.
Published: 01 June 1990
...Richard Mason © 1990 Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 1990 A National Parks Association viewpoint on "Conserving what"? Richard Mason Convenor, Reserves Committee, National Parks Association of New South Wales John Whitehouse seeks to raise debate on the criteria, especially...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2002
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-3-4
... that ‘off reserve’ or ‘new reserve’ efforts should be integrated into and build on existing national parks if the agreed goal of whole of landscape conservation is to be achieved. ...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2002
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-4-1
... In May 2001 the Grey-headed Flying-fox was listed on Schedule 2 of the Threatened Species Conservation (TSC) Act. The NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) now has a regulatory role in the protection of the ‘camps’, or roosting colonies, of this species wherever they may occur...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2001
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-2-7
... there are no pure dingoes. There is little evidence to support the widely-held belief that dingoes or other wild dogs limit the distribution or abundance of foxes in NSW. In 1995-96, dingoes and other wild dogs occurred in 133 of NPWS national parks and nature reserves (2.32 million ha), most of which are east...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2018) 39 (4): 713–723.
Published: 01 December 2018
... threatened species), 40 reptile species (including 2 threatened species), 30 mammal species (including 6 threatened species) and over 100 bird species (including 5 threatened species). These data paved the way for the gazetting of 6,557 ha of Wallingat SF to become Wallingat National Park (NP...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 30 (1): 110.
Published: 17 March 2014
...Murray Ellis Dickman, C. R., 1993. The Biology and Management of Native Rodents of the Arid Zone in New South Wales. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service: Hurstville. The Biology and Management of Native Rodents of the Arid Zone in New South Wales Ellis, M. and Henle, K...
Journal Articles