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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2020) 40 (3): 477–486.
Published: 01 May 2020
..., was apparent as under optimal conditions (no rain) koalas were recorded, on average, for > 50 % of survey nights rather than for just a few nights. We suggest that only a modest survey effort (4–5 nights) in the breeding season, on nights with < 3 mm of rain, is required to achieve 90–95 % probability...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2016) 38 (2): 217–222.
Published: 01 January 2016
... it is thought to estivate in underground burrows while waiting for summer rain. During a survey in seasonal river catchments the first photographic evidence was obtained of an estivating female crab containing 42 crablets under the abdomen plate. Uncovering this female with crablets suggests that egg...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 37 (2): 206–224.
Published: 05 June 2014
... average rainfall in the spring and summer of 2008/2009. These observations indicate that productivity and avian abundance in these semi-arid woodlands (200 – 300 mm annual rain) decline with average rainfall. Episodes of high and possibly prolonged rainfall are required to restore productivity and allow...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 1993
EISBN: 0-9599951-8-8
..., followed by N. centralis (18.2%) and C. australis (4.8%). All three species were active on the surface only after rain and while water was present in the claypans. During periods of activity, frogs were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates in the area both in terms of numbers and biomass. Large frogs...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2011) 34 (3): 303–313.
Published: 14 October 2011
... the lake was closed but the water level low. All surveys were conducted after periods of rain to increase the probability of detecting frogs, particularly L. aurea . A total of 54 L. aurea was detected in December 2002 and 46 in February 2003. Breeding activity was observed at five sites. Recently...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2001
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-2-7
... in central Australia demonstrate how rabbits are the dingo's main prey. That is so even in drought; but as rabbits become scarce, dingoes turn on red kangaroos as alternate prey. Populations of both species are suppressed at low levels by such predation for some time, even after good rains return. In other...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2023) 44 (1): 185–193.
Published: 24 April 2023
... to weaker immune defences that allow for increased susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections. For example, there is evidence that recent heavy rain events precede oyster disease in estuaries. In addition, climate change is increasing the abundance and virulence of bacterial and viral pathogens...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2022) 42 (4): 1037–1040.
Published: 02 December 2022
... alternative to plastic bags, giving shelter for trapped animals from rain and exposure while reducing the likelihood of trap attack by birds. raven small mammal trapping trap disturbance biodiversity surveys plastic bag Factors affecting bird attacks on small mammal traps Young, C. M., Kimpton, K.A...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 25 (2): 29–66.
Published: 17 March 2014
... is provided. Faunal and environmental changes over the last 25 000 000 years in the Riversleigh region are identified and changes in Australia's rain forest mammal communities over the same period are discussed. Evidence for the origin of Australia's modern mammal groups from ancestors now known to have lived...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2011) 35 (2): 198–203.
Published: 14 October 2011
...David Booth The nesting behaviour of two Australian freshwater turtles, the broad-shelled river turtle Chelodina expansa and the Brisbane river turtle Emydura signata are described. Both species nest during, or soon after rain. C. expansa nests exclusively during the day while E. signata...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2022) 42 (3): 733–737.
Published: 24 January 2022
.... Observations Calls of P. bibronii were not detected in February or March. The acoustic recorder identified 68,725 P. bibronii calls (Figure 4) between April and June peaking in May. The intensity of calls increased to 581 calls in a single day after 5mm of rain had fallen. Calling intensity increased further...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 22 (4): 7–10.
Published: 17 March 2014
... the cork is covered by 25 rnm mesh but soon moved 70 cm to cork only. Working until 5.30 p.m. they made a hole right through the cork, about 38 mm diameter. 21 September Rain Worked 7.30 a.m. to noon, enlarging their hole. Soon they would see that behind their hole was not the inside of a tree...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 31 (1): 225–229.
Published: 17 March 2014
... South Wales in 1996 (Lemckert et al. 1997). The species is typically recorded only during brief breeding episodes, which apparently only occur during and immediately following heavy spring and summer rains and resultant flooding of ephemeral ponds (Czechura 1978; Nattrass and Ingram 1993; Mahony 1993...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2014) 37 (2): 201–205.
Published: 16 September 2014
... 348 Ellis, M.V and Taylor, J.E. 2014. After the 2010 rains: changes in reporting rates of birds in remnant woodland vegetation in the central wheatbelt of New South Wales, Australia, from drought to post-drought. Australian Zoologist 37: 29-39. DOI: 10.7882/AZ.2014.007 After the 2010 rains...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist (2018) 39 (3): 449–463.
Published: 01 September 2018
... proximity. The effects of environmental variables on owl calling behaviour have been studied but remain inconclusive. Wind and rain have often been found to have a negative effect on detectability and calling behaviour of owls (Morrell et al. 1991; Kavanagh and Peake 1993b; Debus 1995). Higher ambient air...