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Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2002
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-5-8
... In this paper we advocate community-based research, that is, the integration of community knowledge and support into research programs aimed at solving conservation problems. The rewards for researchers include obtaining an economical source of data, including historical information, access...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2011
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-4-3
... This study was undertaken to gain some knowledge of Flying-fox (Megachiroptera: Pteropodidae) learning ability, using 10 Spectacled Flying-foxes Pteropus conspicillatus in a free-operant conditioning paradigm. The subjects were trained to pull levers for a juice reward in the controlled...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2017) 39 (1): 103–113.
Published: 01 December 2017
..., or the animals displaced by invaders. Wasteful practices give conservation a bad name. Better ‘metaphors for environmental sustainability’ (Larson, 2011) can lead to better outcomes for the environment and for those who care for it. The task of conservation demands more than science: it is rewarding for many...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2014) 31 (3): 432–442.
Published: 17 March 2014
... the value of bounties offered and the number of scalps submitted. The main incentive for the destruction of dingoes by humans is likely to have been the protection of stock, rather than the monetary reward of the bounty payments. Dingo Bounty Pest conrrol Vertebrate pests Bauer, F. H...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2012
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-8-1
... was rewarding in that it showed the quality and depth that the journalists displayed in their craft. The second step was to examine those journalists who occupied prime space in the opinion pages, and the subsequent letters to the editor. These opinion pieces not only cluttered the debate about climate change...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2011
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-4-3
... the stimulus of other researchers and postgraduate students at the University of Queensland further deepened my interest in bats. As study animal, bats are both challenging and rewarding. We have still so much to learn about Australian bats and bats need all the help and positive publicity we can give them. ...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2007
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-0-5
..., are required. It will also be critical to effectively engage land managers through the development of environmental stewardship programmes and rewards to encourage management for biodiversity alongside production. Integral to these management strategies is the careful use of fire, a tool lost by the removal...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2002
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-4-1
... in times of natural habitat food scarcity. A reward we and the community at large could get is the release of funds for research into aversion agents, coupled with funding for research into alternative food sources for flying-foxes. Orchardists did not create the problems that face them. Orchardists...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2002
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-5-8
... and it is not a panacea for conservation ailments. It is another useful tool for gathering data and used wisely can yield scientific, social and political rewards not possible by any other means. ...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 1999
EISBN: 0-9586085-1-2
... importance of bryozoans (as invasive marine foulers, sources of marine natural products, providers of ecological habitat, contributors to paleoenvironmental interpretation), they are a rewarding group to study. ...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 1999
EISBN: 0-9586085-1-2
... The authors of the contributions to the Other 99% conference proceedings have provided a rewarding glimpse of the rich and fascinating world of invertebrate life. Many of the common themes transcended particular invertebrate groups and have become issues for all of life. The interweaving...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2024) 43 (4): 510–517.
Published: 08 March 2024
...; and, 2. Cognition and learning animals quickly learn to associate rewards with the cues that predict them (associative learning) but also rapidly learn to ignore cues that cost time and energy to investigate but lead to little or no reward (habituation); and, 3. The cues themselves that impart...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2014) 31 (1): 1–2.
Published: 17 March 2014
..., but it shared the presses with a set of Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society devoted to The Other 99%. The Conseruation and Biodiuersdy of Invertebrates (Ponder and Lunney 1999). Irrespective of the taxa preferred, the diversity of ways of examining the biological world is rich and rewarding. To fund...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2022) 42 (4): 1037–1040.
Published: 02 December 2022
... 0.449 0.98 considerable lustre and is easily discernable from A) vegetation background, at least to human eyes. It is more likely that ravens have come to relate plastic to food reward, using it as a cue to foraging success. Ravens and other corvids commonly scavenge in rubbish dumps and other locations...
Journal Articles
Conservation detection dog is better than human searcher in finding bilby ( Macrotis lagotis ) scats
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2020) 41 (1): 86–93.
Published: 01 October 2020
... trials. There was command (i.e. yes ) and a tennis ball was thrown for it to retrieve two or three times as a reward before the dog a highly significant difference between the number of scats was directed to continue the search. The time to locate the scat was recorded, and the scat pile was immediately...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2014) 37 (2): 238–244.
Published: 16 September 2014
... taken on or adjacent to his farm and thus collecting tribute, the farmer being only too happy to help towards the eradication of any animal that menaced his sheep. Finally, when the odorous relic had reached a condition in which no further hawking for rewards was possible, it was deposited...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2014) 26 (3-4): 160.
Published: 17 March 2014
...Arthur White WHITLEY BOOK AWARDS 1990 In August this year the Royal Zoological Society of New South W81es hosted its 12th Annual Whitley Awards. These awards were instigated to recognize and reward excellence in Australian zoological literature. All publica- tions were critically reviewed...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2015) 37 (3): 277–281.
Published: 14 April 2015
... of Australian Zoologist and has 2015 AustralZiaoonlogist volume 37 (3) 279 Predavec invited talks at international meetings this year alone. He pleasure to be a part of the RZS council, and it is lovely to is developing the next generation of zoologists almost be rewarded for doing something I enjoy...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2021) 41 (4): 803–805.
Published: 07 December 2021
... rewards, but eventually, after several more years of exploration across the continent they began to hit on to some amazing new sites. The now famous Riversleigh fossil mammals site in northern Queensland, a UNESCO world heritage site (partnered with Naracoorte Caves in SA) was found in 1963 by Dick...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2011) 34 (4): 544–547.
Published: 20 October 2011
... groups of experts. Being able to foster scientific research through the allocation of funding and then use the information gained to direct conservation management is particularly rewarding. and the Bad Unfortunately, working on government policy means that often politics decides outcomes and drives...