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road kill
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1-20 of 205 Search Results for
road kill
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Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2014) 33 (3): 332–336.
Published: 17 March 2014
...Ross Goldingay; Brendan Taylor Road impacts on Australian frogs are poorly documented. This limits our ability to predict which species may be vulnerable to impacts and to develop strategies for mitigating impacts. We conducted foot-based surveys for road-killed frogs along two 100-m sections...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2008
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-2-9
... Road kills were counted in peri-urban Sydney and in regional New South Wales on roads with different volumes of traffic. Initial studies were conducted in late winter. Approximately equal numbers of birds and mammals were observed dead, while herpetofauna were absent. Most species killed were...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2008
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-2-9
... recorded in suburban bushland on two roads in the north-east of Sydney. The study was conducted over a 36-week period. Eighty four native animals were observed dead on or adjacent to the roads. The predominant species killed were swamp wallabies Wallabia bicolor , brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2012) 35 (4): 1040–1046.
Published: 29 January 2012
... with the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, west of Sydney, was surveyed on foot two to four days a week, typically soon after dawn. Over the period a total of 86 reptiles that represented 20 species: 38% of the lizard and 56% of snake species known from the area were collected as road kills due...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2021) 42 (3): 655–666.
Published: 02 September 2021
... characteristic of road-kills between breeding and non-breeding seasons, or by individual months. Comprehensive, accurate and detailed data gathering are essential for effective evaluation of the success of rehabilitation and release, as well as post release survival rates. This, together with population studies...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2008
EISBN: 978-0-9803272-2-9
... Vehicles and Koalas Phascolarctos cinereus collide frequently where the Pacific Highway crosses a 3.5 km stretch of forest in Bongil Bongil National Park. Despite the number of road-kills, resident Koalas survive in a 200-500m wide area of forest that lies between the highway and a parallel...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2011) 35 (3): 888–894.
Published: 20 October 2011
... - possum interactions reach a point where peaceable coexistence is no longer possible. Despite this, when informed of a conservation initiative in the area to mitigate possum road-kill, significantly more respondents were willing to support the project than not. 888 2011AustralianZoologist volume 35 (3...
Book Chapter
Series: Other RZS NSW Publications
Publisher: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Published: 01 January 2004
EISBN: 978-0-9586085-7-2
..., if development reduces the carrying capacity (to 75 individuals on the headland), elevated adult mortality leads to increased chances of extinction in 20 years to 31%, 42% and 46% for the 3 levels. Hence the model showed that for bandicoots, managing the byproducts of urbanisation, such as road kills...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2014) 26 (3-4): 130–141.
Published: 17 March 2014
... for the proposed Wahroonga-Berowra section of the Sydney-Newcastle Freeway No. 3. Prepared for the Department of Main Roads, Environmental and Urban Studies Report No. 68, Macquarie University, Sydney. BROWN, R. J., BROWN, M. N. AND PESOTTO, B., 1986. Birds killed on some secondary roads in Western Australia...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2019) 40 (1): 102–117.
Published: 01 January 2019
... kangaroos by clearing a senescent orchard for further development, was resolved by using a community group to relocate at least 300 kangaroos to a location some 100 km to the east. At the time of the relocation this location was in drought and disoriented kangaroos were killed on the road. No information...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2021) 42 (3): 690–698.
Published: 29 October 2021
...). For example, standard kangaroo 690 AuZstoraolilaongist volume 42 (3) 2022 Evaluating the ShuRoo warning signs were ineffective at reducing the incidence of eastern grey kangaroo road-kills in a Before-AfterControl-Impact study (Coulson 1982). Another primary safety approach is deterrence, which aims...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2023) 43 (1): 52–66.
Published: 14 March 2023
... the best tool to do this. Charley photographs and records koalas within 10 kilometres of Nebo and along the nearby Peak Downs Highway. There are many koala road-kills and injuries along this highway which links Mackay to the coal mines in the Bowen Basin. Charley does her sightings mainly along road...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2014) 31 (4): 632–641.
Published: 17 March 2014
... South Wales Australian Mammalogy 20 251 6 Tyson, R.M. 1980. Road killed platypus. Tasmanian Naturalist 60: 8. Road killed platypus Tasmanian Naturalist 60 8 Van Matre, S. 1999. Earth Education: A New Beginning. The Institute of Earth Education: USA. Earth Education: A New...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2014) 24 (2): 89–93.
Published: 17 March 2014
..., New South Wales Aust. J. Ecol. 2 137 59 COULSON, G. M., 1982. Road kills of macropods on a section of highway in central Victoria. Aust. Wildl. Res. 9: 21-6. Road kills of macropods on a section of highway in central Victoria Aust. Wildl. Res. 9 21 6 DIAMOND, J. M., 1975...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2013) 36 (2): 201–208.
Published: 07 February 2013
... Pseudechis porphyriacus often lying across a track in the Blue Mountains National Park and are prone to being accidentally ridden over and killed. We predict that the risk of injury to animals is positively correlated with increasing numbers of bike riders in the same way that animal road kill is associated...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2018) 39 (4): 568–575.
Published: 01 December 2018
... by foxes (Thompson 1983), and adult mortality is increasing (Spencer and Thompson 2005). Adult turtles frequently become victims of road kill or are killed by foxes as they emerge to nest or disperse throughout wetlands (Spencer and Thompson 2005). Turtles are also struck by boats, How Much Long-Term Data...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2023) 43 (3): 419–435.
Published: 11 December 2023
... have failed to record an individual. Surveys should be over a time frame appropriate to the taxon s life cycle and life form (IUCN 2001), but this does not apparently alter Red List classifications enacted before the change in emphasis. The absence of any road-killed specimen is often cited as firm...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2014) 33 (3): 295–305.
Published: 17 March 2014
... of large mammal carcasses may be a localised adaptation by some possums that have only comparatively recently learned to exploit the abundance of road-killed carcasses provided by an ever-expanding network of roads and increasing vehicular traffic. Observations of scavenging carnivory by the common...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2014) 30 (2): 233–236.
Published: 17 March 2014
.... A road killed, gravid female L. aurea was found close to the BolonglCerroa Road intersection (Daly 1995a). Future development that involve additional roads or an increase in traffic should be considered with respect to L. aurea. The continued draining of land leads to an obvious loss of frog habitat...
Journal Articles
Australian Zoologist
Australian Zoologist (2011) 35 (3): 576–589.
Published: 20 October 2011
... significant difference is overwhelming simply from a graphical display, so no formal assessment has been described. 1. Are there, or have been, foxes in Tasmania, and if so, how did they get there, and where are they? Following the discovery of the road-kill fox in early August 2006, this point might appear...