In Europe, insects represent approximately ¾ of the forest animal species. Thanks to their appreciable numbers and their varied diets, they render numerous services to the forest. By accelerating the recycling of organic material they contribute to the fertility of the soil. A rich and diversified entomological fauna reduces the risk of a proliferation of pests, thanks to predation and competition. Last but not least, many forest insects are in addition active pollinators. Many very specialized forest insects lacking a great mobility have become exceedingly rare and survive only in a few isolated reservoirs. The forest entomological biodiversity must be preserved, quite as much for ethical reasons as for the services which it provides. In order to do this, it is necessary to conserve a structurally diversified forest with many old trees, hollow trunks and snags, clearings and multi-storeyed forest edges.
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August 01 2010
Biodiversité en forêt: n'oublions pas les insectes (essai) | Biodiversity in the forest: let's not forget the insects (essay)
Sylvie Barbalat
Sylvie Barbalat
entomologiste (CH)
* Pavés 65, CH-2000 Neuchâtel. Courriel: [email protected]
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Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen (2010) 161 (8): 278–281.
Sylvie Barbalat; Biodiversité en forêt: n'oublions pas les insectes (essai) | Biodiversity in the forest: let's not forget the insects (essay). Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 1 August 2010; 161 (8): 278–281. doi:
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