Finely mixed forest stands form the hub of the ever-increasing benefits provided by the forest ecosystem. They may be considered as catalysts for diversity, stability, richness of structure, sustainability, prosperity, conviviality … That being the case, it seems necessary to increase our knowledge of them, particularly on the plateau, where they represent an often unsuspected potential. This article reviews the advantages of such stands together with their requirements and, based on concrete examples, presents the high degree of variety and mixture. The origins, values and management of these forests are discussed, with the intention of encouraging a creative and adaptable silviculture which has no qualms in mixing species or accepting the complexity of the resulting structures: An inventive silviculture where research into the function of each tree is desirable. In a climate of incertitude the finely mixed forest is both a fundamental postulate and an asset to be actively encouraged.
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March 01 2011
Forêt finement mélangée, une réalité à promouvoir | Finely mixed forest, an asset to be encouraged
Pascal Junod
Pascal Junod
Arrondissement de Boudry, Service de la faune, des forêts et de la nature du canton de Neuchâtel (CH)
* Courtils 28, CH-2016 Cortaillod, courriel [email protected]
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Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen (2011) 162 (3): 51–58.
Pascal Junod; Forêt finement mélangée, une réalité à promouvoir | Finely mixed forest, an asset to be encouraged. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 1 March 2011; 162 (3): 51–58. doi:
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