The People Behind TNR
The New RE:view–A Journal of Practice is a publication of AER (The Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired) and is provided as a benefit to all AER members.
The Editorial Board that governs The New RE:view (TNR) is responsible for establishing policies and procedures for the journal and for ensuring the ethical implementation of approved policies and procedures.
The Editorial Team of The New RE:view consists of the following AER members:
Executive Editor:
Mary Nelle McLennan, MA
American Printing House for the Blind, Retired
Assistant Executive Editor:
Jane Erin, PhD
University of Arizona, Retired
Executive Managing Editor:
William Wiener, PhD
North Carolina Central University
Associate Editors:
Danene Fast, PhD
The Ohio State University
Stacy Kelly, EdD
Northern Illinois University
Tessa McCarthy, PhD
University of Pittsburgh
Michele McDonnall, PhD
Mississippi State University, National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision
Olga Overbury, PhD
University of Montreal, School of Optometry
Rebecca Renshaw, PhD
Lavelle School for the Blind, Bronx, New York
Adam Wilton, PhD
Provincial Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired (PRCVI)
Publication Coordinator:
Tiffany McCoy
Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER)
The New RE:view Development Team
Recognizing the continued need for a journal of practice for professionals in our field, the following AER members formed the Development Team that conceptualized The New RE:view, formulated its policies and processes, and continues working to make the journal a reality.
Marie Amerson, Georgia
Shannon Darst, Texas
Jane Erin, Arizona
Tessa McCarthy, Pennsylvania
Mary Nelle McLennan, Pennsylvania
Bill Penrod, Illinois
Mark Richert, Virginia
Bill Wiener, North Carolina