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Dendrochronology of the Seaside Juniper (Juniperus Maritima), Washington State, USA
Dustin Gleaves, Aquila Flower
Development and Validation of a Mobile Table with Attached Scanner for Tree-Ring Studies
Marcelo Callegari Scipioni, John Francis Pacheco, Cláudia Fontana, Juliano Morales Oliveira, Mario Tomazello-Filho, Fidel A. Roig
Multi-proxy tree-ring dating during the Younger Dryas
Frederick Reinig, Adam Sookdeo, Jan Esper, Kerstin Treydte, Lukas Wacker, Giulia Guidobaldi, Daniel Nievergelt, Matthias Saurer, Michael Friedrich, Gerhard Helle, Bernd Kromer, Maren Pauly, Willy Tegel, Anne Verstege, Ulf Büntgen
Precipitation Reconstruction Using Tree-Ring Chronologies From Jordan and the Eastern Mediterranean Region
John Risley, Dalila Kherchouche, Said Slimani, Mehvish Majeed, Sahar Abidi, Safia Belhadj, Ammar Menasri, Sohaib Muhammad, Refad Y. Al-khawaldah, Ramzi Touchan, David M. Meko
Tree-ring analysis of red spruce timbers from the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge, White Mountains, New Hampshire
W. Wyatt Oswald, Laura E. Conkey, Daniel G. Gavin, Christine L. Goodale, Jed O. Kaplan