We have been very fortunate to receive an increasing number of excellent proffered manuscripts, therefore we will begin the 24th year of Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation with 10 of these articles. They cover a variety of themes related to spinal cord injury, ranging from muscle, psychosocial, autonomic, fitness, and equipment. We thank our authors for their highly relevant and high-quality submissions.

Topics will continue to have issues dedicated to a specific spinal cord injury theme, with the 2018 issues devoted to the global epidemiology of spinal cord injuries, the upper extremity, and pediatric spinal cord injury, including the Howard H. Steel Symposium that will be held prior to the annual ISCoS meeting in Australia in September 2018.

We encourage you to utilize the online version of Topics to access previously published articles as well as those available online ahead of print. As Editors-in-Chief of Topics, we welcome feedback. You can contact us with ideas for future journal topics or with suggestions about how Topics can better fit your needs for information about spinal cord injury and dysfunction ([email protected]).