Table 3

Importance values and Spearman's rank correlations for anthropogenic, topographic, and vegetation association variables on Agassiz's Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in the Chemehuevi Valley, California. The importance values are based on 4096 models of presence of tortoise sign. Rank correlations show the relationship (with P-values) between predictor variables and model-averaged probability estimates for tortoise presence. African Mustard was coded 1 for presence and 0 for absence. Details of vegetation associations are in Supplemental Data S1 and models are in Supplemental Data S2 in the Supplemental Materials available online.

Importance values and Spearman's rank correlations for anthropogenic, topographic, and vegetation association variables on Agassiz's Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in the Chemehuevi Valley, California. The importance values are based on 4096 models of presence of tortoise sign. Rank correlations show the relationship (with P-values) between predictor variables and model-averaged probability estimates for tortoise presence. African Mustard was coded 1 for presence and 0 for absence. Details of vegetation associations are in Supplemental Data S1 and models are in Supplemental Data S2 in the Supplemental Materials available online.
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