Table 1

Number of case and control Hawaiian monk seals (Neomonachus schauinslandi) exposed to high runoff events at varying time points before stranding in the main Hawaiian Islands (2005–21). Superscript numbers with case and control numbers indicate the probability level of observing the given number of exposures in 1,000 replicates with n randomized dates. ORs (displayed as odds of exposure for cases:controls) show that cases were generally more likely than controls to be exposed to high runoff events in the weeks before the stranding date. Superscripts on OR values indicate a significant P value based on a Fisher exact test.a

Number of case and control Hawaiian monk seals (Neomonachus schauinslandi) exposed to high runoff events at varying time points before stranding in the main Hawaiian Islands (2005–21). Superscript numbers with case and control numbers indicate the probability level of observing the given number of exposures in 1,000 replicates with n randomized dates. ORs (displayed as odds of exposure for cases:controls) show that cases were generally more likely than controls to be exposed to high runoff events in the weeks before the stranding date. Superscripts on OR values indicate a significant P value based on a Fisher exact test.a
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