Released and non-precipitated amounts of ([a] and [b]) Mn and ([c] and [d]) Ni in solution from ([a] and [c]) Type 316L and ([b] and [d]) Type 303 exposed to four sequential solutions (pH 7.4): PBS followed by PBS (“PBS”), PBS + 40 g/L BSA followed by PBS + 40 g/L BSA (“BSA”), PBS + 2.67 g/L Fbn followed by PBS + 2.67 g/L Fbn (“Fbn”), and PBS + 40 g/L BSA followed by PBS + 5.34 (final concentration of 2.67) g/L Fbn (“BSA, Fbn”); exposed at 37°C and sampled after 1, 4, 6, and 24 h. The second solution was added after 5 h (c.f., Figure 1). The error bars show the standard deviation of independent triplicate coupons, and the inset magnified data.

Released and non-precipitated amounts of ([a] and [b]) Mn and ([c] and [d]) Ni in solution from ([a] and [c]) Type 316L and ([b] and [d]) Type 303 exposed to four sequential solutions (pH 7.4): PBS followed by PBS (“PBS”), PBS + 40 g/L BSA followed by PBS + 40 g/L BSA (“BSA”), PBS + 2.67 g/L Fbn followed by PBS + 2.67 g/L Fbn (“Fbn”), and PBS + 40 g/L BSA followed by PBS + 5.34 (final concentration of 2.67) g/L Fbn (“BSA, Fbn”); exposed at 37°C and sampled after 1, 4, 6, and 24 h. The second solution was added after 5 h (c.f., Figure 1). The error bars show the standard deviation of independent triplicate coupons, and the inset magnified data.

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