Breeding biology information, including nest survival estimates, are lacking for many nesting species in Puerto Rico. We studied the endemic Puerto Rican Bullfinch (Loxigilla portoricensis), and modeled daily nest survival to better understand the effects of several factors on daily nest survival. In 2009 and 2010 we monitored 37 bullfinch nests at two sites in southwestern Puerto Rico. Predation was the most important cause of nest failure. Ten nest survival models received approximately equal support. No temporal trends in nest survival were supported over others. Results suggested that available fruit is important for successful nesting, increased precipitation is related to higher nest survival, nest survival varied by site, and increased nest height is related to lower nest survival in bullfinches. Under the top model, daily nest survival rates for each site and nest stage ranged from 0.83–0.86% in 2009 and 0.80–0.93% in 2010. This information on nest survival and factors that influence it increases our understanding of the breeding biology of the bullfinch, and will ultimately help inform future studies and conservation efforts in southwestern Puerto Rico.