The William and Nancy Klamm Service Award is given annually by the Wilson Ornithological Society to recognize the extraordinary contributions of members who have given their time and talents to serve the Society. The Klamms modeled this commitment to volunteer service to the Society, Bill as Treasurer and both Bill and Nancy as members of the Finance Committee. Scientific societies could not function without the generosity of our members, and the Wilson Society has been fortunate to have many committed members who ensure the society, the meetings, and the journal continue to serve ornithology and ornithologists.

This year, the Society has chosen to honor Robert C. Beason, a long-time fixture of the Wilson Society meetings who has served the society in many different capacities. Bob began attending Wilson meetings in 1970. Since then he has served 4 years as Editor of the Wilson Bulletin (1997–2000), 3 years as an elective...

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