BIRDS OF THE GREATER SUNDAS, THE PHILIPPINES, AND WALLACEA. PRINCETON ILLUSTRATED CHECKLISTS. Written and illustrated by Norman Arlott. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 2018: 416 pages. 179 color plates featuring 1,900+ species. 500+ range maps. ISBN: 978-0-691-18062-5. $29.95 (paperback).
This compact 5 × 7 inch field guide treats the birdlife of a vast stretch of insular Southeast Asia—from Aceh, Sumatra, in the far west to the Batan Islands of the Philippines in the far north to Seram and the Tanimbar Islands in the southeast. All of Brunei and the Philippines are included, plus a major portion of Indonesia (all but for western New Guinea, the Aru Islands, and the Kai Islands), and the insular parts of Malaysia. As a result, today the peripatetic birder wishing to wander through Island Southeast Asia will need only binoculars and this single field guide.
This guide is one of the Princeton Illustrated Checklist...