This index includes references to common names, genera, species, and authors. Nomenclature follows the AOU Checklist of North and Middle American Birds (Seventh Edition and supplements), AOU Species Lists of Birds for South American Countries and Territories, and local convention for areas outside those authorities.

Accipiter imitator, 250

A. striatus, 169

Actitis macularia, 145

Aegithina viridissima, 125

Aerodramus bartschi, 23-39

A. fuciphagus, 32

A. maximus, 32

A. sawtelli, 32

A. spondiopygius, 32

A. terraereginae, 32

Agelaius phoeniceus, 341

Aix sponsa, 52-69

Alca torda, 513

Alvarez-Alvarez, E. A., P. Corcuera, and R. C. Almazán-Núñez. Spatiotemporal variation in the structure and diet types of bird assemblages in tropical dry forest in southwestern Mexico 457-469.

Ambardar, M., P. O. Dunn, and L. A. Whittingham. Reproductive and foraging success of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) in relation to vegetation height 362-370....

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