Vital rates can provide important insights into management effects on wildlife populations. However, for many North American birds, especially woodpeckers (Picidae), vital rates are not well documented. Here, we estimated adult annual survival of the White-headed Woodpecker (Dryobates albolarvatus) across a 10 year period (2011–2021) in managed ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests along the eastern slope of the Cascade Range in Washington, USA. We banded male and female woodpeckers with unique color band combinations and resighted them on breeding territories from March to July in each year. We banded 116 woodpeckers, most of which we aged as hatch-year (n = 49) or second-year (n = 32) when banded, and all were past the critical dependence period when mortality is highest. We estimated recapture and annual survival probabilities for 33 breeding males and 24 breeding females using open-population Cormack-Jolly-Seber models that included 2 covariates: age at first capture (AGE) and sex (SEX). We combined birds into 3 AGE classes: class 1 (hatch-year), class 2 (second-year and after hatch-year), and class 3 (≥ after second-year). Female recapture probabilities were higher than males, although both were >0.85. AGE class 1 birds had the lowest recapture probabilities, but the estimates were imprecise. Survival probabilities were >0.80 for all birds, regardless of which model we evaluated. These survival estimates could be inflated because some adults that are nonbreeders and dispersed from the study area may have lower rates of survival. We did not find any evidence of differences in survival probabilities by SEX or AGE. Our results suggested that, despite managed ponderosa pine stands having trees smaller in diameter and greater in density than historical stands, White-headed Woodpeckers had a high probability of surviving year to year in this forest type.

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