The Wilson Ornithological Society is an organization that serves its members with opportunities for professional development, support, and camaraderie across all career stages, and opportunities to expand and share scientific information about birds. Like other scientific societies, Wilson relies heavily on volunteers who value the community that we have developed and the opportunities that we provide. In 2005, the Society created the William and Nancy Klamm Service Award to honor the memory of two longtime members and volunteers who gave of their time, their expertise, and their financial resources. Both Bill and Nancy had significant financial management backgrounds and served on the Auditing Committee in the 1970s and 1980s, following Bill’s service as Treasurer from 1968 to 1972. The couple also left a sizable, extremely generous, bequest to the Society that greatly increased the endowment and has allowed the Society to continue to provide many benefits to our members while...
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December 2024
December 03 2024
William and Nancy Klamm Service Award for 2024:
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology (2024) 136 (4): 498–499.
Sara R. Morris; William and Nancy Klamm Service Award for 2024:. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 1 December 2024; 136 (4): 498–499. doi:
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William and Nancy Klamm Service Award for 2024:
Sara R. Morris