Chelonian Conservation and Biology
Chelonian Conservation and Biology is an international scientific journal of turtle and tortoise research, published by the Chelonian Research Foundation in co-partnership with the Turtle Conservancy. The objective of this peer-reviewed journal is to provide a public scientific forum for pertinent aspects of research on turtles and tortoises.
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About the Journal
Executive Editor: Jeffrey A. Seminoff, PhD
Managing Editor: Allyson King
Impact Factor: 1.667
ISSN: 1071-8443
eISSN: 1943-3956
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About the Journal
Chelonian Conservation and Biology is a peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of the conservation and biology of all chelonians, including freshwater turtles, marine turtles, and tortoises.

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CCB provides authors with several valuable benefits including publication in BioOne, free article PDF, and flexible open access options. All manuscripts will be submitted to the Editor for peer-review.

Permission requests may include tables and figures, artwork, or article content. CCB requires that any re-publication of journal content be approved by the publisher prior to production.