Simi Hoque & Jian Zuo
eISSN: 1943-4618
ISSN: 1552-6100
About the Journal of Green Building
The purpose of the Journal of Green Building is to present the very best peer-reviewed research for the sustainable built environment at the building, community, neighborhood and urban scale. As such, the journal’s coverage includes green building design and construction... Read more about the Journal
Student Corner
Journal Citation Indicator Rank (JCI) 2022 / Architecture
JCI Ranking: 4th out of 95
JCI Percentile: 96.1
JCI Quartile: Q1
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Features & Information

Open Access Articles
Volumes 1-15
Publication Years 2006-2020

Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) Guidelines
*To arrange Open Access (OA), the author, their institution, or funding agency pays an Article Publication Charge (APC) of $1,800 USD. The terms of this Open Access are according to the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial;
**Authors may post an Institutional Repository (IR) copy of their paper with their university/company repository or archive. The IR copy is the same version of the paper as published on the journal’s website.