NACADA is an association of professional advisors, counselors, faculty, administrators, and students working to enhance the educational development of students.
NACADA promotes and supports quality academic advising in institutions of higher education to enhance the educational development of students. NACADA provides a forum for discussion, debate, and the exchange of ideas pertaining to academic advising through numerous activities and publications. NACADA also serves as an advocate for effective academic advising by providing a Consulting and Speaker Service, an Awards Program, and funding for Research related to academic advising.
Our Publications
NACADA, the Global Community of Academic Advising, sponsors two peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. NACADA defines scholarly inquiry based on Boyer’s (1990) four elements of scholarship (discovery, integration, application, and teaching) and grounded in a belief that research, theory, and practice are interconnected and dynamic.

The NACADA Journal advances the field of academic advising through the publication of peer-reviewed research and scholarship; these discoveries contribute to our understanding and improvement of the learning experiences of all students within an academic advising context. Founded in 1981, the Journal publishes biannually in print and on the web.
For more details about this publication, including submission requirements, see NACADA website here.

NACADA Review: Academic Advising Praxis and Perspectives publishes peer-reviewed articles (on a rolling basis) focused on the dynamic application of relevant theory and scholarship within the practice of academic advising. Articles explore issues and challenge readers to move from reflective thought to action applicable to other institutional, national, or socio-cultural contexts.
For more details about this publication, including submission requirements, see NACADA website here.