About this Journal
Tire Science and Technology is a peer-reviewed and leading scientific journal dedicated to tires and related topics. The journal is published quarterly by the Tire Society, Inc., an Ohio not-for-profit corporation whose objective is to increase and disseminate knowledge of the science and technology of tires. Read more about the Journal
Features & Information
Tire Science and Technology Launches Hybrid Open Access / Subscription Publishing Model

The Tire Society is pleased to announce that its scientific journal Tire Science and Technology has implemented a Hybrid Open Access / Subscription publishing model.
What is Open Access publishing?
Open access is a scientific publishing model that makes articles available to readers at no cost, in contrast to the traditional subscription model in which readers pay a fee to access articles. In the open access model, the cost of publishing is covered by authors, who pay a publishing fee, rather than by subscribers.
What is Hybrid Open Access / Subscription publishing?
The Tire Society is now offering a Hybrid publishing model. In the Hybrid publishing model, authors choose whether their accepted article will be published under Open Access terms or under Subscription terms. Under Open Access terms, authors pay an up-front fee, and readers can access the article at no cost. Under Subscription terms, authors can publish at no cost, and readers pay a subscription or one-time fee to access the article.
Why is the Tire Society offering an Open Access option now?
Offering an Open Access option gives authors more control over how their published work will be distributed. It can have a positive impact on an author’s citation rate, and on the journal’s Impact Factor. It is consistent with the Society’s mission to “increase and disseminate knowledge”. This option has become ubiquitous among scientific publishers, and the Tire Society believes that offering this option will help to maintain the journal’s competitive position as a forum for scientific information about tires.
Is the review process the same for open access vs. subscribed articles?
Yes. All articles published in Tire Science and Technology go through the same rigorous peer-review process, for both Open Access and Subscription publishing. Note that authors are only offered the Open Access option after the article is finally accepted following peer review.
Does this change my journal subscription?
No. The fees for journal subscription have not changed. A large majority of the journal’s content remains under subscription terms. We anticipate that the subscription model will continue to be dominant for the foreseeable future.
Is publishing still free to authors?
Authors may still choose to publish under subscription terms, in which case they will incur no cost. Articles published under subscription terms will be accessible to subscribers through the journal’s controlled-access website. Articles published under subscription terms should not be further distributed.
How do I make my article open access?
Authors will be offered the Open Access option upon acceptance of their manuscript following peer review. Authors may also place previously published works under Open Access terms by paying the Open Access fee. Contact the journal office in this case.
Tire Society
The Tire Society was established with the mission to disseminate knowledge and stimulate the innovation of tires as it pertains to tire science, engineering and technology. The Society fulfills its mission through seminars, technical meetings and publication of the authoritative journal Tire Science and Technology.
Tire Science and Technology Launches new Technical Note Publication Format

The international journal Tire Science and Technology announces the new Technical Note short publication format, in addition to regular full length articles. Technical Notes will be published in regular issues of the journal together with full length articles. Submission and handling of the short Technical Notes follow the same review procedure and quality requirements as regular articles.
The content of a Technical Note is a more focused scientific or technical contribution. The shorter format is expected to enable a shorter review period and quicker publication.. As always, submissions to the journal should primarily have scientific objectives. Articles with primarily commercial objectives will not be published.
Technical Notes comprise up to 12000 characters (including blanks) and up to 4 figures, and should not exceed 5 pages.
The Journal welcomes continuously submissions without any time constraints. A rapid publication process is intended.